Starting out the JavaScript and Rails Project I was definitely intimidated. Since starting the JavaScript sections, things just haven’t clicked for me as well as they had for Rails and Ruby. I started my project by following along with a past tutorial recording. It was helpful for setting up my project. Once I reached the end of the recording, I was on my own, and again faced with that feeling of ‘so what do I do now?’
Before starting my Rails Project, I hadn’t used scope methods before. Lucky for me, they were extremely useful for what I was planning. I decided for my project I would make a website that allowed user’s to put in some information about themselves and be matched with dog breeds that would work for their lifestyle.
Starting the Sinatra project, I was feeling a little bit overwhelmed with everything we’d just learned. From Rack to Sinatra to ActiveRecord to sessions, then throw in SQLite3 and CSS formatting and my head was swimming with where to start and how to put it all together. For the last project I had dived right in head first, and more than half way through the first week was facing issues getting things to work correctly. After watching a video resource, it seemed that maybe my approach was not the best. So this time around I decided to put aside some time to plan out what I needed to do.